Thursday, September 16, 2010

Cơ thể của bạn - 5 phần quan trọng.

Nhiều người trong chúng ta đều sẵn sàng chi tiêu nhiều thời gian và tiền bạc để duy trì một vẻ trẻ trung. Khuôn mặt được sự chú ý nhất, nhưng có những khu vực khác chúng ta không nên bỏ qua đó cũng cho thấy dấu hiệu của sự lão hóa. Chú ý thêm với những bộ phận cơ thể bây giờ, và bạn sẽ chi tiêu ít hơn cải thiện sự xuất hiện của họ sau đó.

Cổ: Cổ luôn được chú ý, mặc dù nó cho thấy lão hóa nổi bật. Nó cũng vô cùng khó khăn để ẩn - cố gắng kéo giảm một cao cổ hoặc khăn quàng vào giữa ngày, khi bạn trong ngày. Nó có vẻ như lãng phí sử dụng mặt kem đắt tiền trên cổ của bạn, nhưng nó sẽ được giá trị nó. Các cổ sẽ tiết lộ lão hóa mà trang điểm và Chăm sóc da mặt không thể che dấu. Khi áp dụng các loại kem mặt khác nhau, mặt nạ, và phương pháp điều trị, luôn luôn bao gồm các cổ và vùng ngực trên.

Tay: Các bàn tay, đặc biệt là mặt sau của họ, mất rất nhiều thiệt hại từ mặt trời. Họ luôn luôn tiếp xúc, và thường quên về - bạn nộp đơn xin lại kem chống nắng sau khi bạn rửa tay? Các tay thường xuyên sẽ hiển thị các điểm tuổi đầu tiên, kể từ khi hầu hết chúng ta đều cẩn thận để bảo vệ mặt của chúng tôi với kem chống nắng hay bóng râm. Áp dụng kem dưỡng da tay có chứa chất chống oxy hóa, chống lão hoá và kem chống nắng để chống nắng. Thậm chí tốt hơn, khi bạn áp dụng kem dưỡng da mặt, bất chấp tuổi vào cổ và ngực của bạn, thoa một chút ở mặt sau của bàn tay của bạn, quá.

Tóc: Chúng tôi làm rất nhiều để mái tóc của chúng tôi. Thổi khô, nóng ủi, và căng thẳng tạo kiểu tóc thường xuyên và gây hư hỏng. Có phương pháp điều trị thường xuyên để điều kiện và tăng cường mái tóc của bạn sẽ ngăn chặn thiệt hại lâu dài có thể dẫn đến rụng tóc, điều kiện khó khăn nhất trong danh sách này để điều trị và ẩn.

Bàn chân: Nếu bạn thích mặc dép strappy (hoặc chỉ cần flip flops), chăm sóc điều trị bàn chân của bạn nếu bạn muốn giữ mặc chúng. Mặt trời không chỉ làm thiệt hại nhiều cho các ngón chân của bạn vì nó không những các bộ phận khác của cơ thể. Nếu bạn không sử dụng kem chống nắng, các ngón chân của bạn sẽ giống như nho khô héo trước khi dài. Ngoài ra, dép mặc sẽ gây ra gót chân của bạn trở nên khô và nứt. Liệu bạn có muốn trượt chân vào đôi dép như thế?

Cổ chân: Cút đi rất nhiều căng thẳng hàng ngày. Chúng tôi phần còn lại vào chúng khi cân nhắc một vấn đề. Chúng tôi sử dụng chúng để đẩy cửa mở ra khi bàn tay của chúng tôi có đầy đủ. Nhưng nó không phải là điều chúng ta cần xem xét khi đánh điểm tuổi tác và nếp nhăn. Da xung quanh khuỷu tay, đã mất, sẽ bắt đầu chảy xệ và làm cho trở lại của cánh tay của bạn trông lớn hơn.

Đừng lo lắng, bạn không cần phải chi tiêu một tài sản trên các sản phẩm chăm sóc da. Bạn có thể tự bảo vệ mình với các phạm vi của các sản phẩm làm đẹp từ Tony Moly. Miễn là bạn phải quan tâm hơn đến các bộ phận cơ thể quan trọng, họ sẽ nhìn tuyệt vời cho những năm tới - và bạn sẽ không thể phá trong tiến trình.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Health: Three Reasons Why You Should Lose Weight

Are you a woman who is struggling with your weight? If you are, you are definitely not alone. Today, many women are faced with many issues, including weight. If you are unhappy with your current weight, you may be interested in changing it, but, for many, that is often easier said than done.

When it comes to losing weight, many women are able to come up with an unlimited number of excuses as to why they can’t lose weight or excuses as to why this important issue should be pushed off to the side for now. Many women are lacking the motivation needed to lose weight. If you are one of those women, you will want to continue reading on. Below, three reasons as to why you should lose weight are outlined and these reasons may serve as the motivation that you have been looking for

#1 – Appearance

Although many women are satisfied with the way that they look, many are not. If you are currently unhappy with the way that you look and feel, you will want to consider losing weight. Weight loss, even a small one, can significantly improve the way that you see yourself, as well as the way that others see you. If you hate looking at yourself in the mirror every morning, it may be time to think about losing weight.

#2 – Health

For many women, being overweight or obese isn’t just about carrying around a few extra pounds. Obesity has been linked to a number of health complications, including high blood pressure, diabetes, as well as the early onset of death. If you do not take steps to lose weight now, especially if you are seriously overweight, your health may have other plans for you. It is important to mention that those plans may not necessarily be good ones.

#3 Wellbeing

In addition to benefiting your health and your physical appearance, weight loss can also make you feel good about yourself. Many women notice an instant improvement in their self-confidence and self-esteem when they lose weight. This means that even if you are suffering from other issues, aside from weight related issues, weight loss may be able to assist you with overcoming those issues or at least the stress that is associated with them.

The three above mentioned reasons are just a few of the many reasons why you may want to think about losing weight, if you have weight to lose. Should you decide that losing weight is in your best interest, you may want to think about making an appointment with a healthcare professional. These types of appointments are important, as well as insightful. Your healthcare professional may be able to instruct you on safe ways that you can go about losing weight and they may also be able to help you set reasonable weight loss goals for yourself.

Although it is advised that you speak with a healthcare professional about your intent to lose weight, you don’t have to just rely on their expertise or their input. A large number of women, just like you, lose weight by joining locally operated weight loss programs, as well as online weight loss programs. What is nice about weight loss programs, both those operated locally and online, is that you often walk away with professional advice, as well as support from others just like you.

Health: Do You Need to Lose Weight?

Are you a woman? If you are and if you are like many other women, there is a good chance that you are concerned with your appearance. When it comes to appearance, there are many women who are concerned with their weight, namely the weight that they would like to shed or need to shed. Unfortunately, many women believe that they need to lose weight when they really don’t. To determine if you should seriously think about losing weight, as it is an important issue, you may want to continue reading on.

When it comes to determining if you should lose weight, there are a number of important factors that you should consider. Since many women are concerned with their appearance and the way that they look, you may want to examine your appearance. Do you think that could benefit from a weight loss? If you are currently unhappy with the way that you look, it may be something to consider. Of course, it is also important to make sure that you don’t lose too much weight, as it can be harmful to your health. For that reason, you may want to consult with your doctor to determine if weight loss is an issue that you should work on.

Speaking of consulting with your doctor, your doctor may have recommended that you lose weight, with their own fee will. If your doctor has suggested that you lose weight, it is advised that you take his or her suggestion into consideration. What many women fail to realize is that their healthcare professional isn’t as concerned with their appearance as they are their health. So, if your doctor recommends that you lose weight, even just a little bit of weight, he or she may be concerned with your health and the possibility of you developing any weight related health complications.

The two above mentioned signs are two the most common signs that you may want to think about losing weight. Of course, it is important to remember that the decision to lose weight is yours to make, as it is an issue that you have to deal with. With that in mind, it is important to also remember that carrying around excess weight is more than just carrying around excess weight. There are many women who are constantly stressed out about or concerned with their appearance. If you would no longer like to spend every day in front of the mirror ashamed of your body or hiding your body from those and you know and love, it may be time to take action.

If you would like to lose weight, you may be pleased to know that you have a number of different options. Many women are able to develop their own weight loss plans, which often include a regular exercise plan, as well as eating healthy. You also have the option of joining a local weight loss program or an online weight loss program. These types of programs are nice, as you often get professional advice as well as support from group leaders and other weight loss program members.

As a reminder, it is advised that you take the time to speak with your physician, regarding your weight loss plans or goals. This is especially important if you plan on creating your own at-home weight loss plan. In addition to giving you the go-ahead, your physician may also offer you a few weight loss tips, tricks, and techniques, ones that you may find helpful.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Most Feared by Women - Aging, how to Cop With Anger About Aging

They say there are stages of grief. Some of those stages include denial, depression and acceptance. But one that many of us experience is anger. While we most often associate grief with the emotions when a loved one passes away, we can go through grief about a lot of things. People go through grief when their house burns down or when they lose a job or a pet. An area of loss that we don’t often lump in with grief causes is the physical decline of aging.

You can detect that you or senior citizens you know are experiencing grief from their loss of youth from comments they make. It is common to hear them look back with remorse at lost youth and with the loss of functionality and strength that happens when we age. As a senior citizen sees their strength decline and perhaps go through one of the many natural ailments of aging such as arthritis or problems with elimination, it is not uncommon to see a response of anger result from their impatience with these problems.

Nobody asked to get old. And I am sure that if we could put it to a vote, aging would lose the election to continue to be part of our lives. As much as senior citizens hate to grow old, your loved ones hate to see it happen to you. And while you as senior citizen may not see it happen, your family is grieving the loss of the “young mom or dad” as much as you are.

The problem with being angry about growing old is there is nobody to take it out on. The result is often we lash out at those closest to us because the frustration with our aging bodies causes our temper to flare up spontaneously and a loved one or caregiver is the one who is handy to get mad at. You know this isn’t fair and when it happens, you are sorry. So it would be good with finding ways to cope with the anger about aging in a productive way.

This kind of coping is necessary so you don’t lash out at the innocent. But it is also healthy for you to learn to cope with the aging process because stalling out in the grief process will create tension in your emotional system, which can cause physical problems such as ulcers or problems sleeping. So how do we get rid of the anger we naturally feel at seeing our bodies decline?

A wise man once said that we get angry because of a false sense of entitlement. It comes when our expectations do not line up with reality. A false sense of entitlement comes when we come to the conclusion that we do not deserve to get old. The best way to confront and put aside that sense of entitlement is to recognize it. It seems simplistic to just come out and recognize that everybody grows old and we are not entitled to be exempt from the changes that come with aging. But if you can recognize that consciously, it will help take anger out of the loop when you are coping with the affects of aging.

Resolution of grief comes when our expectations line up with reality. The attempt to deny the advance of years is the sole cause of midlife crisis in your younger days and that emotional response to aging can create devastating results as the one in crisis tries to behave as though they are not growing old and make bad decisions based on that concept.

So too, if you can recognize that these problems are the natural result of aging and the best thing to do is to take care of yourself to try to minimize their impact, you will live with a much healthier attitude toward aging. By focusing on your diet, your exercise, a wise use of substances and doing all you can to stay rested and emotionally sound, you will see the negative effects of aging become minimized. Moreover, you will be a happier person and that shift in your emotions can go a long way toward keeping you young at heart. And that is the best way to turn back the effects of aging from the inside out.

Beauty: Should You Undergo Cosmetic Surgery?

Are you a female who is regularly concerned with your appearance? Beauty is an issue that many women, just like you, deal with, often on a daily basis. If you are unsatisfied with the way that you look or the way that you feel, you may have thought about cosmetic surgery. Although cosmetic surgery has helped to improve the physical appearance of many women, cosmetic surgery isn’t right for everyone.

When it comes to determining if cosmetic surgery is right for you, there are a number of important factors to consider. One of those factors is the cost. It is no secret that cosmetic surgery is expensive. The larger the area you need repaired, the more costly your surgery is likely to be. With that in mind, if cosmetic surgery is needed for medical purposes, like to repair skin damage, your health insurance may cover all or a portion of the costs. If you will be responsible for the costs of cosmetic surgery, all on your own, it is important to make sure that you can afford to do so, without putting yourself in debt.

Another factor that you will need to take into consideration is the time that you have to devote to cosmetic surgery. Unfortunately, this is a factor that many individuals do not take into consideration when first examining cosmetic surgery. Most cosmetic surgeries require a few days worth of rest and follow-up care. This may mean that you are unable to return to work right away. It is important that you are able to get the appropriate amount of time off from work, particularly without creating any issues that may cost you your job. Also, if you will miss a week or more worth of work, it is important to take your financial loss for that time period into consideration.

Another one of the many factors that should be examined, when examining cosmetic surgery, is that of the surgery type. Cosmetic surgery includes a number of different procedures. Popular cosmetic procedures include those that remove wrinkles, repair skin damage, such as burns, reduce or increase the size of breasts, as well as reshape or restructure the nose. As previously stated, the cost of your cosmetic surgery may all depend on the areas of your body which you would like improved. It may also have an impact on which cosmetic surgeons in your area can perform the work for you.

Speaking of finding a cosmetic surgeon, this is an important decision. The decision as to which cosmetic surgeon you would like to use the services of is a decision that should not be made on a whim. When searching for a cosmetic surgeon, it is advised that you examine areas of expertise. While most cosmetic surgeons are able to perform a wide range of surgeries, there are some who have specialties, like breast enlargements or breast reductions or facelifts. Of course, there are no guarantees, but you are more likely to see success when using the services of a cosmetic surgeon that specializes in the procedure in which you would like to undergo.

As a reminder, cosmetic surgery can help to improve your appearance, which can have a whole set of other benefits all on its own, but it isn’t for everyone. With that in mind, if your physical appearance is an issue that you regularly have to deal with, it may be best to schedule a consultation appointment with a cosmetic surgeon in or around your area.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Beauty: Makeovers: Should You Undergo One?

Are you a woman who has thought about changing your appearance? For many women, thinking is all that they do. With beauty being an important issue in life, especially to many women, many are afraid to make any drastic changes. This is what leads a relatively small number of women to get makeovers each year. With that in mind though, there are a number of reasons as to why you should at least consider undergoing a makeover.

One of the many reasons why you should consider getting a makeover is because it can help to improve your appearance, as previously stated. Unfortunately, when it comes to appearance improving techniques, many individuals only think of drastic measures, like weight loss or cosmetic surgery. Yes, these methods can help you improve your physical appearance, but they can be costly. A makeover is a simple, yet affordable way to improve your physical appearance. When undergoing a makeover, you can have your hair done, makeup professionally applied, as well as get a manicure.

In addition to improving your appearance, undergoing a makeover can help to relieve any stress that you may be suffering from. This happens in a number of different ways. For starters, when undergoing a makeover, the professional in change is the one doing all the work; all you have to do is just sit back and relax. Secondly, an improvement in appearance or even just a small appearance change has been known to uplift the sprits of many women, as well as help relive the stresses that they may be suffering from.

Perhaps, the greatest reason as to why you should think about undergoing a makeover is because it is fun. Makeovers are ideal solo or with a group of friends. There is just something exciting about getting a makeover, even if it is one that won’t forever. It is also important to mention that many makeover specialists or beauticians give you freedom over your own makeover, like what you would like done and how. In addition to giving you freedom over your makeover, you may find that your beautician also offers you his or her own professional expertise.

Speaking of expertise, you will find that many professional beauticians have years of training and on-the-job experience underneath their belt. The expertise of the beautician performing your makeover is another one of the many reasons why you should at least consider undergoing a makeover. In addition to giving you professional results, you can also use your makeover as an educational tool. For instance, if your makeover includes makeup application, you may learn a few neat tips, tricks, and techniques. When you think about it from that angle, a makeover can not only improve your appearance now, but in the future as well.

The above mentioned reasons are just a few of the many reason why you should at least consider undergoing a professional makeover. If you would like to use a makeover as a way to have fun and relieve all of your stress, you may want to contact your local beauty salons, spas, or hair salons. You can find these establishments by asking those that you know for recommendations, using your local phone book, or the internet. If you would prefer to undergo your makeover in the comfort of your home, you may want to inquire about an at-home makeover. Most individual beauticians, especially those who are self-employed, would be more than willing to accommodate you and at a relatively affordable cost.

Despite what you may have heard in the past, makeovers aren’t just for large social events, like weddings. If you wish, you can get a makeover at just about any point in time, even for no reason at all. Of course, the decision as to whether or not you want to undergo a makeover is your decision to make, but you may want to keep the above mentioned points in mind when making that decision.

Free Fashion Tips Online, Tips on how to get it

Are you interested in improving your fashion sense? If you are, you are definitely not alone. In fact, that is why a large number of individuals end up spending hundreds of dollars a year, if not more, on fashion magazines. Although fashion magazines are a great way to familiarize yourself with the latest fashions, as well as get some great fashion tips and advice, did you know that you can also use the internet? If you haven’t yet tried, you may want to think about using the internet to find free fashion tips online.

When it comes to finding free fashion tips online, you may be wondering how you can go about doing so. In all honesty, there are an unlimited number of different ways that you can go about finding free fashion tips online. One of those ways is by visiting the online websites of popular, well-known fashion magazines. Many popular fashion magazines, like Vogue and Glamour, have online websites. These online websites are often filled with free fashion tips, advice, and information on the latest fashion trends. In fact, you often get access to a few of the articles that are found in the printed magazine version. The online website of a fashion magazine is often the magazine’s name and then .com, but you can also find the online website by performing a standard internet search.

Speaking of performing a standard internet search, you can also perform a standard internet search to find online fashion magazines. Online fashion magazines are often like the popular printed magazines, but the format is online only. One of the best ways to go about finding an online fashion magazine is by performing a standard internet search. You may want to think about searching with phrase like “online fashion magazine,” or “online fashion magazines.” It is not uncommon to find online fashion magazines that want you to pay a small fee, but it is more than possible for you to actually find a number of free online fashion magazines. If you don’t mind reading articles or viewing fashion pictures online, online fashion magazines are a nice, cheap way for you to improve your fashion sense.

Another way that you can get free fashion tips online also involves performing a standard internet search. Instead of searching for online fashion magazines, you will want to search for online websites. There are a large number of online websites that are designed to provide you with free fashion tips. These websites may not always be updated on a regular basis, but they are often a nice, free way to learn about the latest in the fashion world. In fact, you will also find that a large number of online fashion websites have online message boards or online message forums. These are little communities where you can interact and talk about fashion with other internet users. Online message boards and forums make learning about fashion not only free, but also fun and exciting.

As a reminder, you can buy printed fashion magazines if you wish to do so, but you may want to think about getting information on the fashion industry, as well as fashion tips and advice online, as it is free to do. It is also important to mention the information that you will find; you are more likely to find more fashion tips online than you are in a printed magazine that can cost you around five dollars an issue.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Your body - 5 Important parts.

Many of us are willing to spend plenty of time and money to maintain a youthful appearance. The face gets the most attention, but there are other areas we shouldn't neglect that also show telltale signs of aging. Pay extra attention to these body parts now, and you'll spend less improving their appearance later.

Neck: The neck consistently gets overlooked, even though it reveals aging prominently. It's also extremely difficult to hide -- try pulling off a turtleneck or scarf in the middle of the day when you out day. It may seem wasteful to use pricey face cream on your neck, but it will be well worth it. The neck will reveal aging that makeup and facials can't hide. When applying various face creams, masks, and treatments, always include the neck and upper chest area.

Hands: The hands, particularly the back of them, take a lot of damage from the sun. They're always exposed, and usually forgotten about -- do you reapply sunblock after you wash your hands? The hands will often show age spots first, since most of us are careful to protect our face with sunscreen or shade. Apply hand lotion that contains anti-aging antioxidants and sunblock to combat sun damage. Even better, when you're applying the age-defying face lotion to your neck and chest, dab a little on the back of your hands, too.

Hair: We do a lot to our hair. Blow drying, hot ironing, and regular styling stress and damage it. Having regular treatments to condition and strengthen your hair will prevent permanent damage that can result in hair loss, the most difficult condition on this list to treat and hide.

Feet: If you're fond of wearing strappy sandals (or just flip flops), take care to treat your feet if you want to keep wearing them. The sun does just as much damage to your toes as it does the other parts of the body. If you don't use sunblock, your toes will look like shriveled raisins before long. Also, wearing sandals will cause your heels to become dry and cracked. Would you want to slip on sandals with feet like that?

Elbows: Elbows take a lot of daily stress. We rest on them when pondering a problem. We use them to push open doors when our hands are full. But it's not something we consider when fighting age spots and wrinkles. The skin around the elbows, already loose, will begin to sag and make the back of your arm look older.

Don't worry, you don't need to spend a fortune on skin care products. You can protect yourself with ranges of beauty products from Tony Moly. As long as you pay more attention to these important body parts, they will look fabulous for years to come -- and you won't go broke in the process.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Tony Moly Mini Lip/Cheek Tint (7g)

Unlike lip gloss, lip tint is not thick or sticky but still makes your lips look gorgeous!.

Don't be put off by the how red the tint looks in the bottle! Lip tint actually gives your lips a nice, natural finish and makes them look.

Also can be use as cheer spain.

Price: RM 52 (EM)

How to use:

1. For Lip -Just spot on your lips and spread it for natural look and you can apply sheer lip-gloss after the tint.

2. For Cheek - Apply three dots to the apples of your cheeks and blend quickly with fingertips. Add a few more dots for deeper color.

Tony Moly Berry Berry Whitening Sleeping Pack (80g)

Silky soft gel typed sleeping pack that provides moisture and nutrition while sleeping, according to sleeping rhythm of human body. Specially made for whitening/brightening effects.

7 kinds of natural ingredients (Rose mary, chamomile, Ho-jang, Gam-cho, Gold, Byung-pool, and green tea) and the cherry extracts soothe and relax the skin that has been exhausted for the day. Containing Arbutin, it excellently whitens skin by retraining formation of melanin.


In the morning after the night with sleeping pack, wash your face with water only and you will feel silky and soft skin.

Price: RM 102 (EM)

How to use:

1. At the time of night skin care, apply toner and lotion. 2. Take appropriate amount of sleeping pack and apply all over the face evenly enough, no need to wipe off.
3. Take a sleep, and wash the face in the morning.

EGGPORE Tightening Pack (30ml)

Tony Moly Tightening Pack is a clay form mask that is enriched with egg white and Camellias extracts to help tightening pores and deep cleansing.

It also contains keratin with whitening effect to provide a clean & smooth skin.

The cute little egg shell can also use to grow plants! Just crack the top of the egg, and water the seeds regularly, soon you will see a cute little plant growing from the egg!

Suitable for all skin type / oily and acne skin

Price: RM 85 (EM)

How to use:

1. Spread the content on the skin from moderate to heavy.
2. Wait until the clay dry and leave it for 10 - 15 minutes and rinse off with warm water.
3. Use not more than 2 times a week.

EGGPORE Blackhead Out Oil Gel (30ml)

Tony Moly Eggpore Blackhead Out Oil Gel contains white egg extracts helps to clean and control excessive sebum secretion, keratin accumulated waste, white heads and black heads that accumulates in the skin pores.

It also helps in tightening enlarge skin pores and you will experience smooth & translucent skin after use.

The cute little egg shell can also use to grow plants! Just crack the top of the egg, and water the seeds regularly, soon you will see a cute little plant growing from the egg!

Suitable for combination skin / oily and acne skin.

Price: RM 85 (EM)

How to use:

1. Apply Appropriate amount to skin and gently massage for about 3-5 mins until the gel turns milky white.
2. Rinse off with warm water.

Tony Moly Real Essence BB Balm Multi function SPF36 (25g)

Whitening + Anti wrinkle+ Sun block (Puff included)

Covers blemish naturally and creates resilient skin. May do correction make up even on the powdered face

Main ingredients:

Albutine, Adenocine, Titanium oxide

Price : RM 130

How to use:

1. After basic skin care, apply by spreading from center to outward with puff included
2. You don't have to apply Sun cream, makeup base or foundation

Tony Moly Nano Gold BB Cream SPF 50 PA +++

Triple functional BB Cream of Whitening + Decreasing Wrinkle + Blocking Ultra Voilet Ray.(certified by Korea Food and Drug Association)

Containing ingredients of nanogold, which makes your skin bright and
glossy like gold. Peptide Complex which leaves your skin with elasticity.

A moist and smooth texture of skin is shown by contained ingredients of silk amino acid, which has multi-functions such as whitening, improvement of wrinkles, interception of ultra voilet ray.

60 ml

Price : RM168 ( EM)

How to use:

1. After skincare routine, apply a proper amount onto face and neck.
2. No need wear additional sun protectors nor foundation.
3. Remove it by using make-up remover.

Tony Moly Berry Berry Wrinkle Sleeping Pack (80g)

Silky soft gel typed sleeping pack that provides moisture and nutrition while sleeping, according to sleeping rhythm of human body. Specially made for wrinkle care.

7 kinds of natural ingredients (Rose mary, chamomile, Ho-jang, Gam-cho, Gold, Byung-pool, and green tea) and the blueberry extracts soothe and relax the skin that has been exhausted for the day. Containing adenocine (certified by Korean FDA), it gives wonderful effects in skin firming and wrinkle care.

In the morning after the night with sleeping pack, wash your face with water only and you will feel silky and soft skin.

Price: RM 102 (EM)

How to use:
1. At the time of night skin care, apply toner and lotion.

2. Take appropriate amount of sleeping pack and apply all over the face evenly enough, no need to wipe off.

3. Take a sleep, and wash the face in the morning.

Tony Moly Berry Berry Whitening Sleeping Pack (80g)

Silky soft gel typed sleeping pack that provides moisture and nutrition while sleeping, according to sleeping rhythm of human body. Specially made for whitening/brightening effects.

7 kinds of natural ingredients (Rose mary, chamomile, Ho-jang, Gam-cho, Gold, Byung-pool, and green tea) and the cherry extracts soothe and relax the skin that has been exhausted for the day. Containing Arbutin, it excellently whitens skin by retraining formation of melanin.

In the morning after the night with sleeping pack, wash your face with water only and you will feel silky and soft skin.

Price: RM 102 (EM)

How to use:

1. At the time of night skin care, apply toner and lotion.

2. Take appropriate amount of sleeping pack and apply all over the face evenly enough, no need to wipe off.

3. Take a sleep, and wash the face in the morning.

Tomatox Brightening Mask

Tony Moly Tomatox Brightening Mask contains fresh tomato and vegetable extracts. With the bright red granules of oxygen bubble, it purifies the skin and then provides a large amount of oxygen deep into the skin, instantly leaving the skin fair, smooth and delicate with an even tone.

Tomato is rich in vitamins and minerals. It can get rid of the toxins of skin. The product is especially suitable for sensitive skin. Vitamin A and lycopene, the anti-oxidizing ingredients of tomato, are widely used in the pharmaceutical sector to help control puffiness and relieve chafing.

Therefore, this product is suitable for sunburned skin, skin with accumulated melanin, as well as dull skin due to poor blood circulation or bad living habits.

Tomatox Brightening Mask

Price: RM 82 (EM)

How to use:

1. After cleansing face, apply the mask to face. Avoid mouth and nose areas.
2. Wait for 2-5 minutes and rinse off with lukewarm water.